Bantu Language Digital Archive (BantuDArc)
This archive is a collection of text, audio, and plots of data from Bantu languages. The dataset is based on data collected as part of diverse groups of Bantu languages. As of March 31, 2022, resources from 5 Bantu languages (Bende, Rundi, Rwa, Swahili, Xitsonga) are available.
- PISeunghun J. Lee (International Christian U & University of Venda)
- PIDaisuke Shinagawa (AA-ken)
- AssistantKiara Johnson (International Christian University): 2021.8~2022.3
- AssistantChrisanne Tuaño (International Christian University): 2021.8~2022.3
- AssistantSayaka Manabe (International Christian University): 2021.8~2022.3
- Assistant Paris B. Fleming (International Christian University): 2021.12~2022.3
- AssistantRachel Liu (International Christian University): 2021.12~2022.3
- AssistantNatsumi Taniguchi (International Christian University): 2021.12~2022.3
- AssistantCeline Tuaño (International Christian University): 2021.12~2022.3
- AssistantShigeto Kamano (International Christian University): 2021.4~2022.3
- ResearcherSeunghun J. Lee (International Christian U & University of Venda), Xitsonga
- ResearcherYuko Abe (Lanzhou University), Bende
- ResearcherDaisuke Shinagawa (AA-ken), Rwa
- ResearcherKumiko Miyazaki (Swahili), Swahili
Bantu Language Digital Archive
Bantu Language Projects
Funded by
This Archive
IRC project titled ‘Building a digital archive of Bantu languages’ granted by IRC in 2021 FY.
JSPS KAKENHI Grant (B) #21KK0005 (JSAntu) (2021.12-2027.3) "Microvariation in Bantu languages of South Africa: building theories from typology data"s
Xitsonga projects
Linguistics Research Grant, National Science Foundation, Linguistics Division #1147083 (2012-2015) PI: Elizabeth Selkirk, Co-PI: Gorka Elodiorta, Seunghun Lee) Effects of syntactic constituency on the phonology and phonetics of tone
JSPS Kakenhi Grant (C) 16K02641 (2016.4-2019.3) Phonetic typology of consonant-tone interaction
JSPS Invitational Fellowship S16106 (2016.10.1.-31.) Dr. M. Crous Hlongwani Investigating understudied syntactic structures of Xitsonga
JSPS Kakenhi Grant (C) 20K00578 (2020.4-2023.3) A crosslinguistic study of prosody of particles: Japanese and Bantu languages [POP]
Bende project
JSPS Kakenhi Grant (C) 26370477 (2014.4.-2019.3) Studies on people's migration and language contacts around Lake Tanganyika
Rwa project
JSPS Kakenhi Grant (C) 19K00568 (2019.4. - 2022.3) A micro-typological study of inter-parametric covariation in Bantu languages
Kirundi project
JSPS's Core-to-Core Program: B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms (2018-2020) Establishment of a Research Network for Exploring the Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Dynamism in Africa. [Extended to 2022.3 due to COVID-19]
Swahili project
JSPS Kakenhi Grant (C) 20K00578 (2020.4-2023.3) A crosslinguistic study of prosody of particles: Japanese and Bantu languages [POP]
All materials (text, audio files and plots) in this website belongs to IRC or each right holder who has licensed it to IRC.
Creative Common License
The materials published on this site are published under the following Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND).
The entire website
Lee, Seunghun J. and Daisuke Shinaga. 2022. Bantu Language Digital Archive (BantuDArc), Digital collection managed by Information Resources Center at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. URL: -
Johnson, Kiara, Sayaka Manabe, Chrisanne M. Tuaño (Eds.) (2022) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 21: Bantu Language Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University.
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- Access to the database materials: icu.langdb[at]
- General questions: icu.langdb[at]
- Technical questions: ilcadj1[at]
Revision History
- 2022: Website Release (Home, About, Language & Resources)